Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gulab jamun for diabetic patients

I was diagnosed to be having this problem some time back.  I am learning to live with it and am keeping the diabetes under control.  This Deepavali I tried this:
With the ready mix gulab jamun powder, follow the regular procedure up to deep frying the jamuns.  Put them in the jeera (sugar-water heated solution) for others.  For those who could not take full sugar, keep the fried jamuns separately.  When you want to taste them, put the required quantity in hot water.  After water is absorbed, take the jamuns away, sprinkle them with sugar-free or equal etc covering them fully.  Enjoy your gulab-jamuns.  For added sweetness, you can put some sugar-free or equal in the hot water also.
Disclaimer: I am not a health food expert - but I myself was the guinea pig and I live to tell this story!


middleclassmadhavi said...

இந்த போஸ்டை நான் ஏன் ஆங்கிலத்தில் போட்டேன் என்று யாருமே கேட்காததால், நானே சொல்கிறேன்: For greater good. (நான் Harry Potter - so Dumbledore fan-ஆக்கும்!)

Madhavan Srinivasagopalan said...

நல்ல ஐடியா !
தேவைப் பட்டால் பயன் படும்..